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20 Is The God’s Number

In one of the first s[cubed] posts, I wrote about the God’s number: “The most interesting question from a scientific point of view is the hunt for the so-called god’s number – which is supposed to be the shortest possible way with the least number of moves to solve the cube from any possible constellation. Currently this number is mathematically proven to be 22. So who knows, it might be 21. It could be even lower but till now, the ideal solution is one algorithm with 22 moves to solve any cube.”

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The Rubik s[Cubed]

I finally got off my ass and started this blog / digital home / think tank, that has been buzzing around my head for a while now. One current event finally got me writing which is connected with the name of this project and which I would like to use as a starting point for this website. The famous Rubik’s Cube is turning 30 years old and this story on Spiegel Online reminded me of the fascination that this little toy generated around the globe.

The story for this project starts on the island of Koh Samui. Read More…

This is s[cubed]

Hello friends, this is the first real post on my blog s[cubed]. Why did I start this blog? Well I thought it is time to create my own space online, where I can put my thoughts, ideas, projects and all the weird stuff I am working on. s[cubed] is mainly about strategic planning. But as planning is touching all kinds of areas and as inspiration can come from anywhere, I will also write about music that I love, books that I have read, places I have been to, people I have met and projects I have worked on. But I will try to focus – always a good thing for a planner.

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system

Just another test. I am playing around with WordPress and get used to it. But this will be the beginning of s[cubed].